Volunteer for Education and Literacy Groups in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Education and Literacy Groups in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Education and Literacy Groups by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Education and literacy groups specialize in adult learning (post-secondary education or adult literacy), libraries, and academic scholarships.KI
The Sterling Hall School of Toronto
99 Cartwright Ave, Toronto, Ontario
At Sterling Hall, boys are inspired to demonstrate high moral and performance character and challenged to conquer new and creative academic learning, all within a boy-friendly culture.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Sterling Hall School of Toronto
The Strong Start Charitable Foundation
68 Larkspur Cres, Kitchener, Ontario
Strong Startr began as a community project in 2001, to help ensure that all our children learn to read.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Strong Start Charitable Foundation
The University of Alberta
89 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates, and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement, and partnerships. The U of A gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The University of Alberta
The University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba, Room 402, Administration Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The University of Manitoba is the province's largest university, with over twenty faculties for you to explore. But it's not just about size and scale - it's about options. The U of M offers more academic programs, support for students, campus services, scholarships and bursaries than any other post secondary institution in the province. And that means more opportunities to turn a great education into an amazing career.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The University of Manitoba
The Vancouver Community Network
411 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Community Network (VCN) is a non-profit Internet service provider that provides free services to assist individuals, community groups and non-profit organizations in accessing and utilizing the Internet to its fullest ability. We believe the information, resources and opportunities on the Internet should be accessible to all! We work to expand public access to computers and the Internet, provide educational services for their effective use and promote local content on the web.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Community Network
The Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall
475 Alexander St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Established in 1906, the Vancouver Japanese Language School & Japanese Hall (VJLS-JH) is a non-profit, community-based and driven organization, committed to education, culture and community.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall
The Victoria Foundation
109 - 645 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia
The Victoria Foundation is a community foundation and a registered charity accredited by Imagine Canada. By connecting visionary donors with causes that truly matter, we're able to invest in people, projects and non-profit organizations that make our communities stronger - now and for the long-term. We've been doing so since 1936.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Victoria Foundation
The Wellspring Foundation for Education
21579 88B Avenue, Unit 72, Langley, British Columbia
Wellspring is passionate about real life change in all members of the Wellspring community, as we show the love of Christ by empowering a new generation of leaders in Central and Eastern Africa and beyond. We believe we are uniquely placed to be a catalyst for transforming education for hundreds of thousands of African children and fostering vibrant communities that address poverty in all its forms.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Wellspring Foundation for Education
The West Coast Book Prize Society
207 W Hastings St, Suite 901, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC Book Prizes, established in 1985, celebrate the achievements of British Columbia writers and publishers.
The seven Prizes are presented annually at the Lieutenant Governor's BC Book Prizes Gala in the spring, with the winner of The Lieutenant Governor's Award for Literary Excellence being announced beforehand at the annual BC Book Prizes Soiree.
The Prizes are administered and awarded by members of a non-profit society who represent all facets of the publishing and writing community.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The West Coast Book Prize Society
The Western Canada High School Alumni Foundation
641 17 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
To foster and strengthen communication among graduates of Western Canada High School (Western), and their predecessors, the graduates of Western Canada College, for the benefit of the school, by establishing a community of human resources and support dedicated to the students, faculty, and administrators.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Western Canada High School Alumni Foundation
The York University Student Centre Childcare
4700 Keele St, Suite 201, North York, Ontario
The LWCC believes in offering quality programs that are based on the childcare needs of the York University Community, where parents and children are the Centre's top priority. The LWCC believes in providing a friendly, multicultural and inclusive environment for its members. We feel that children are distinct individuals who should be treated with respect and we encourage them to develop at their own pace and to their full potential.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The York University Student Centre Childcare
Third Academy International
2452 Battleford Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Third Academy was founded by Dr. S. Lal Mattu. He is an experienced educator and administrator who has worked in public education for over forty years. Dr S. Lal Mattu holds a BSc, MEd, PhD (Educational Psychology), Diploma in Early Childhood Education, and is a Psychologist. His primary responsibilities, while school superintendent/assistant superintendent in various school jurisdictions in Alberta and British Columbia have been threefold: human resources, program development, and special needs.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Third Academy International
Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System
465 Victoria St, Suite 300, Kamloops, British Columbia
The Regional District provides library service to a population of 134,000 within a 45,000 square kilometer area of the Central Interior of British Columbia. It has 13 branch locations and a bookmobile.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System
Thunder Bay Literacy Group
2100 Nipigon Road, Conmee Building, Thunder Bay, Ontario
The Thunder Bay Literacy Group is a community-based adult learning organization. We welcome and support adults in Thunder Bay who wish to improve their basic reading, writing, math and computer skills in a self-directed manner.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Thunder Bay Literacy Group
Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development
269 Gerrard St. East, 2nd floor of the Parliament Library, Toronto, Ontario
The Centre for Community Learning & Development offers you wide range of educational opportunities to help you shape your dreams into realities. Discover the program that will help you change your life and change our community.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development
Toronto Public Library
789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario
Adults 16 years and older, who are fluent in English, come to the Adult Literacy Program to work on basic reading, writing, and number skills.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Public Library
Town of Ajax Library
55 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, Ontario
The Ajax Public Library is governed by a nine member board, including eight citizens and one Councillor, appointed by Ajax Town Council.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Town of Ajax Library
Trent Valley Literacy Association
825 Chemong Road, Peterborough, Ontario
Trent Valley Literacy Association (TVLA) helps adults in Peterborough City and County acquire the literacy, numeracy, and computer skills they need to live and work successfully in the community.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Trent Valley Literacy Association
Trinity College
6 Hoskin Ave, Toronto, Ontario
Trinity College is a small academic college with a long and illustrious history within the University of Toronto, the largest university in Canada. A small, distinctive college at the heart of a great university, Trinity offers an exceptional academic experience and fosters community, responsibility and leadership.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Trinity College
Tyndale University College & Seminary
25 Ballyconnor Court, North York, Ontario
Tyndale University College & Seminary was founded in 1894 in Toronto, Ontario. Legislated by the Government of Ontario, Tyndale University College is a Christian university with a growing number of undergraduate programs, offering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Tyndale University College & Seminary
UBC Alumni Affairs
Branch: Okanagan Campus
3333 University Way, SCI 109, Kelowna, British Columbia
The University of British Columbia Alumni Association was founded in 1917. Its goal was, and continues to be, to link alumni with the University and with each other, and to support the mission and activities of the University.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of UBC Alumni Affairs
UBC Alumni Affairs
Branch: Point Grey Campus
6251 Cecil Green Park Road, Cecil Green Park House, Vancouver, British Columbia
The University of British Columbia Alumni Association was founded in 1917. Its goal was, and continues to be, to link alumni with the University and with each other, and to support the mission and activities of the University.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of UBC Alumni Affairs
UBC Life Sciences Circle
2329 West Mall, Vancouver Campus, Vancouver, British Columbia
UBC Life Sciences Circle is an outreach program for high school students. We offer free events to all high schools students who are interested in pursuing life sciences. Our sessions usually consist of a lecture given by a guest lecturer about a topic of their interest. Then we will proceed to further explore this topic either by visiting a lab, doing problem solving activities and discussions. There will be an opportunity for students to mingle with UBC students and ask questions about life science programs/courses, along with general inquiries about university life.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Leadership
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of UBC Life Sciences Circle
UBC Occupational Therapy and Heath Sciences
2211 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia
Originally a division within the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy emerged in July 2007. The department offers a wide array of educational and research opportunities, including an entry to practice graduate program: Master of Occupational Therapy, MOT; graduate research programs: MSc and PhD; and post-professional online: Master of rehabilitation science, MRSc and certificate programs.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Education and Literacy
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of UBC Occupational Therapy and Heath Sciences
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
263 Bering Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation teaches North Americans about the academic and financial needs of Ukrainian Catholic educational institutions in Ukraine. In a sincere commitment to personal involvement and high standards, the UCEF works with these institutions hands-on to meet present needs and develop resources for the future.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
Upper Canada College
200 Lonsdale Road, Toronto, Ontario
Upper Canada College was founded in 1829 and is one of North America's foremost boys' schools, offering Senior Kindergarten through university entrance and boarding for 88 students from outside of Toronto.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Upper Canada College
Uvic Centre for Youth and Society
University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
The Centre for Youth & Society aims to promote the well-being of youth from diverse social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds, across developmental transitions, and in evolving societal circumstances.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Uvic Centre for Youth and Society
Uxbridge Public Library
9 Toronto Street South, Uxbridge, Ontario
The Township of Uxbridge Public Library thanks and appreciates the generosity of our donors. Your support helps ensure the Library's long-term financial stability. The Township of Uxbridge Public Library is a registered charity and supports the Donor Bill of Rights.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Uxbridge Public Library
VIBE Arts for Children and Youth
401 Richmond St West, Suite 230, Toronto, Ontario
Established in 1995, VIBE Arts is an award-winning charitable organization committed to providing children and youth in under-resourced communities with high quality community and school based arts and education. With a 20 year trajectory, VIBE Arts has become one of the most celebrated community arts organizations in Toronto.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Dance
· Children and Youth
· Art
Volunteer Profile of VIBE Arts for Children and Youth
Victoria Read Society
3440 Douglas St, Suite 201, Victoria, British Columbia
As a vibrant, community-based organization we help children, youth and adults gain literacy and essential skills, including reading, writing and mathematics. We respond to the emerging needs of our communities and collaborate to make literacy and essential skills accessible to all.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Victoria Read Society
Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada
11473 139th St, Surrey, British Columbia
Promoting literacy in Canada and India, Reducing global poverty, Empowerment of women, Sustainable integrated rural development, Use of solar energy for clean environment
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada
Vulcan County Adult Learning Council
102 Centre Street, Vulcan, Alberta
Vulcan County Adult Learning Council is a non-profit organization striving to bring lifelong learning to the communities in Vulcan County. We are funded through the Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education division of the Government of Alberta.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Vulcan County Adult Learning Council
Waterloo Public Library Board
35 Albert St, Waterloo, Ontario
Our audacious goal is to be a transformational force in the development of Waterloo and its citizens.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Waterloo Public Library Board
WCDC Capsite Committee
233 Station Road, Wentworth Valley, Nova Scotia
The Community Access Program (CAP) is an initiative of Industry Canada. It was developed to help provide rural and remote communities with affordable public access to the Internet and the skills to use it effectively.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of WCDC Capsite Committee
Wellington County Learning Centre
179 George Street, Arthur, Ontario
The Wellington County Learning Centre provides residents of the County with a vital learning service and with information about literacy issues. Our varied programs and services are key community resources which allow anyone the opportunity to maximize their ability to learn.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Wellington County Learning Centre
Werklund Foundation
4500, 400 - 3rd Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Werklund Foundation is committed to supporting initiatives that ultimately empower students and educators with the leadership skills necessary to realize their potential. We achieve this through meaningful and sustainable partnerships with educational institutions, other foundations, and community initiatives.
Keywords: Leadership
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Werklund Foundation
West Vancouver Community Foundation
1846 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, British Columbia
The West Vancouver Community Foundation is a reflection of the great value that individuals, families and businesses place on West Vancouver, its heritage, its people and its communities. Since 1979, when the foundation was started, donors have helped create a charitable endowment of over $10 million, the income from which supports non-profit organizations, community projects and scholarships, today and into the future.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of West Vancouver Community Foundation
Western Communities Montessori Society, The
4075 Metchosin Road, Victoria, British Columbia
West-Mont Montessori School is an independent, co-educational school with an early primary to grade 8 curriculum. We are committed to academic excellence in a caring learning environment. The school is well known for its exceptional Montessori Programs from Preschool to Grade 8. The family oriented learning environment takes an individual approach to learning where students are challenged to be the best they can be from early primary through to their middle years.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Western Communities Montessori Society, The
Western Counties Regional Library Board
405 Main Street, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Western Counties Regional Library is a regional library system serving Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Western Counties Regional Library Board
Western Environment Centre Inc
86 West St, Suite 5, 2nd Floor, Corner Brook, Newfoundland
The Western Environment Centre (WEC) is a charitable, non-profit, non-governmental organization that is based in Corner Brook and services all of Western Newfoundland.
Keywords: Environment
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Western Environment Centre Inc
Western Manitoba Science Fair
637 10th Street, Brandon, Manitoba
The Western Manitoba Science Fair is the Regional Science Fair for Southwestern Manitoba and has been in operation since 1969. It provides an opportunity for students to showcase their scientific talent for their parents, teachers, and the community. Applicants come from grades 1 through 12, and this year there were 675 students with 456 projects from 27 schools!
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Western Manitoba Science Fair
Western University
1151 Richmond Street, London, Ontario
Western University delivers an academic experience second to none. Western challenges the best and brightest faculty, staff and students to commit to the highest global standards.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Western University
Westlock & District Adult Learning Centre
#2 10007- 100 Avenue, Westlock, Alberta
Westlock & District Adult Learning Centre Society is a registered non-profit Society that has Charity status. The Society identifies supports, promotes and facilitates adult life-long learning opportunities in the Westlock District. Together we are working to support affordable local life-long learning opportunities. The Society runs approximately 120 programs a year to 1200 learners.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Westlock & District Adult Learning Centre
Westman Immigrant Services
1001 Pacific Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba
WIS is a non profit organization that assists immigrants when they come to live in Brandon and the Westman area by providing settlement, employment, language, volunteer, and interpreter services. Immigrants have many adjustments once they arrive, such as finding a place to live, learning about a new culture, finding employment, making friends, connecting to the community, and often learning a new language.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
· Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Westman Immigrant Services
Weyburn Public Library
45 Bison Avenue, Weyburn, Saskatchewan
The city of Weyburn established its first public library in January 1920, in response to the request of interested citizens. Administration of the library was assigned to a board of six appointed members.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Weyburn Public Library
Whistler Public Library
4329 Main St., Whistler, British Columbia
The Whistler Public Library Association was formed in December 1985 by a dedicated group of community minded citizens. Space was provided by the municipality in the basement of the municipal hall on Blackcomb Way. The Rotary Club of Whistler was extremely generous in providing the materials and labour to finish the interior of the 1400 square foot room. In record time, the Library was officially opened by provincial politicians Grace McCarthy and John Reynolds on July 28, 1986.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Whistler Public Library
Whitby Public Library Board
405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario
The Whitby Public Library serves the Town of Whitby, Ontario Our mission - enriching and advancing our community by providing equitable access to information, ideas, inspiration and the joy of reading.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Whitby Public Library Board
Wild at Heart Refuge Centre
95 White Road, Lively, Ontario
Wild at Heart Refuge Centre promotes wildlife conservation by providing veterinary care and rehabilitation to injured, sick or orphaned wildlife in Northern Ontario with the goal of releasing rehabilitated animals back into the wild.
In addition, we will have a strong focus on community education, volunteers, student interns and media events to increase the understanding of wildlife issues.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Rescue and Adoption
· Education and Literacy
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Wild at Heart Refuge Centre
Wilfrid Laurier University
75 University Ave West, Waterloo, Ontario
Laurier students aren't content with simply earning a university degree. To them, education is a springboard to something greater: it's the key to shaping a life, building a community and making a difference.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Wilfrid Laurier University
WORD Vancouver
901-207 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, British Columbia
Since 1995 The Vancouver Book and Magazine Fair Society has produced The Word On The Street Vancouver, the primary literary festival for book lovers and literacy enthusiasts. In 2013 this festival is rebranding with the new name WORD Vancouver. The first festival was a one day event at the then newly built Vancouver Public Library and it featured 60 exhibitors and attracted 18,000 festival goers. Since then, the festival has expanded to three days and now attracts an average of 30,000 attendees to events taking place at Carnegie Community Centre, Banyen Books & Sound, Historic Joy Kogawa House, and Library Square.
Keywords: Festival
· Education and Literacy
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of WORD Vancouver