Volunteer for Education and Literacy Groups in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Education and Literacy Groups in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Education and Literacy Groups by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Education and literacy groups specialize in adult learning (post-secondary education or adult literacy), libraries, and academic scholarships.KI
Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Fund
Lewvan Drive & Exhibition Way, 2nd Floor, Canada Centre Building, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship program is intended to provide financial support and incentive to young people in order to pursue post secondary and graduate education. The funding for the scholarship program is derived from a variety of Agribition activities, as well as from recognized outside contributions.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Fund
Canadian Youth Business Foundation
133 Richmond Street West, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario
Futurpreneur Canada has been fueling the entrepreneurial passions of Canada's young enterprise for nearly two decades. We are the only national, non-pro?t organization that provides ?nancing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39. Our internationally recognized mentoring program hand matches young entrepreneurs with a business expert from a network of more than 2,800 volunteer mentors.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Youth Business Foundation
Canadian Youth Business Foundation British Columbia
13545 64 Avenue, Suite 203, Surrey, British Columbia
Futurpreneur Canada has been fueling the entrepreneurial passions of Canada's young enterprise for nearly two decades. We are the only national, non-pro?t organization that provides ?nancing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39. Our internationally recognized mentoring program hand matches young entrepreneurs with a business expert from a network of more than 2,800 volunteer mentors.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Youth Business Foundation British Columbia
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Scholarship
100 College Drive, North Bay, Ontario
Since 1972, Canadore College has been awarding scholarships to deserving students. Last year, Canadore College awarded 144 scholarships.
Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of academic excellence, attendance, and overall contribution to the classroom.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Scholarship
Canmore Preschool Society
1200A 17th Street, Canmore, Alberta
The Canmore Preschool is a non-profit, parent-directed, educational program for 3- and 4-year-olds. We are the longest-running preschool in Canmore, providing outstanding education since 1972.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Canmore Preschool Society
Capilano College
2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, British Columbia
We are a teaching-focused university offering a wide range of programs and services that enable students to succeed in their current studies, in their ongoing education, in their chosen careers, in their lifelong pursuit of knowledge, and in their contribution as responsible citizens in a rapidly changing and diverse global community.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Capilano College
Career Trek Inc
191 Lombard Avenue, 9th Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Career Trek's vision is straightforward: help build a Manitoba where everybody can realize their full career or educational potential.
We are a not-for-profit organization that helps young people - who would most benefit from our programming - to discover post-secondary education.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Career Trek Inc
Cariboo Child Care Society
900 Mcgill Road, Kamloops, British Columbia
Cariboo Child care Society (CCCS) is a non-profit society that has been providing high quality care since 1973.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Cariboo Child Care Society
Carmangay Library
414 Grand Avenue, Carmangay, Alberta
The mission of the Carmangay Library is to provide the variety of materials, services, and programs necessary to meet the needs of all segments of the community for information, education, recreation, and culture.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Carmangay Library
Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Saint-Laurent
1482 de l'glise street, Suite 200, Saint-Laurent, Quebec
Les services offerts par le Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent sont rendus possibles grace a la contribution financiere d'Emploi-Quebec.
Services provided by the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent are made possible by financial contribution from Emploi-Quebec.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Saint-Laurent
Casa Canadiense Community Development Centre
215 Spadina Ave, Suite 165, Toronto, Ontario
Casa-Pueblito is a non-profit, international organization that facilitates community development and intercultural learning with a focus on youth in Canada and Latin America.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Casa Canadiense Community Development Centre
Cause Initiatives for Youth and Community
80 Mccallum Drive, Unit 21, Richmond Hill, Ontario
CIYC was founded and launched in Canada in January 2005 by President Carol Green. She has been a global youth social marketing expert since 1983. An American Greetings Company hired her then to create philanthropic initiatives to benefit the lives of youth, families and educators. Partnerships between all stakeholders led to successful, long-term projects that focused on literacy, diversity, fitness, community responsibility, and other key issues.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Cause Initiatives for Youth and Community
Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta
11456 Jasper Ave, Suite 201, Edmonton, Alberta
The Centre for Family Literacy is dedicated to helping families grow and prosper. Our FREE adult tutoring and family literacy programs, along with training and research, help Alberta families achieve what they imagine - improved education, jobs and health.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta
Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm
3461 Ross Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (CSFS), located at UBC Farm, is a unique research centre that aims to understand and fundamentally transform local and global food systems towards a more sustainable, food-secure future. The centre is a living laboratory, committed to finding solutions to both the local and global challenges facing food systems sustainability and translating solutions to improve personal, community, and environmental health.
Keywords: Hunger
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm
Centre Pour Enfants - Timiskaming Child Care
76 Rorke Ave, Haileybury, Ontario
Centre pour enfants Timiskaming Child Care provides a safe, positive and fun environment for children and their families.
Our goal is to provide programming that will assist parents/caregivers and the community to promote the optimal growth and development of children in order to give young children a healthy start in life.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Centre Pour Enfants - Timiskaming Child Care
CGA-Canada Research Foundation La Fondation De Recherche De CGA-Canada
800-1188 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Research Foundation provides CGA-Canada's philanthropic service to its members and the public. It distributes scholarships for doctoral students and bursaries for talented but disadvantaged youth. It supports research and professional development and it encourages financial literacy among young people.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of CGA-Canada Research Foundation
Champion Library
2 Avenue South, Champion, Alberta
We are pleased to be a member of the Chinook Arch Regional Library System. We are now getting very crowded, with over 10,000 books, videos, and audiocassettes, and with rotating collections of videos, audiobooks, and large print books. We now have four public computers with wireless Internet access for anyone in our community to use.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Champion Library
Cheakamus Centre
2170 Paradise Valley Road, Box 250, Brackendale, British Columbia
Established in 1969, Cheakamus Centre, formerly the North Vancouver Outdoor School, is an overnight field school and environmental studies facility located on 420 acres of ecological reserve in Paradise Valley. This Centre is owned by the North Vancouver School District (NVSD) and offers a wide variety of experiential environmental programs to children and adults from the Sea to Sky corridor, lower mainland, and beyond. Cheakamus Centre also hosts visitors from around the globe for special events, retreats, conferences, seminars, and workshops. In July 2012, the BlueShore Financial Environmental Learning Centre opened its doors in the heart of Cheakamus Centre campus, allowing for exciting new educational programs and environmental initiatives, and expanded conference and event space.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Cheakamus Centre
Chebucto Connections
52, 16 Dentith Road, Room 172, Community Wellness Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
We engage residents in making our community a healthy and vibrant place to live and work.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Family Services
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Chebucto Connections
Children's Arts Umbrella Foundation
1286 Cartwright St, Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia
We believe that art is for everyone. As a not-for-profit arts education centre, we think access to the highest quality arts education is a basic human right, regardless of your experience, education, socio-economic background or ballet slipper size. We are just for those ages 2 to 19 though, because, well, we love the way kids and youth love the arts.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Arts Umbrella Foundation
Chilliwack School District Scholarship Trust Fund
8430 Cessna Dr, Chilliwack, British Columbia
Located in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, we are a learning community of over 14,000 students, served by 1,800 teachers and support staff. Our diverse programs include elementary, middle and secondary neighbourhood schools as well as alternate and distance learning programs.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Chilliwack School District Scholarship Trust Fund
CISV Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
CISV is an independent, non-political, volunteer organization promoting cross-cultural friendship through a variety of educational programs for youth and adults in 60 countries around the world. Charitable Registration # 13224 87176 RR0001.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of CISV Ottawa
Clearview Public Library
Branch: Sunnidale Library Branch
5237 Simcoe Cty. Rd. 9, New Lowell, Ontario
We are a three branch public library system located in Southern Georgian Bay servicing a full range demographic from brand new babies to seniors who have seen a lot of life!
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Clearview Public Library
Clearview Public Library
Branch: Creemore Library Branch
165 Library Street, Creemore, Ontario
We are a three branch public library system located in Southern Georgian Bay servicing a full range demographic from brand new babies to seniors who have seen a lot of life!
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Clearview Public Library
Clearview Public Library
Branch: Stayner Library Branch
201 Huron Street, Stayner, Ontario
We are a three branch public library system located in Southern Georgian Bay servicing a full range demographic from brand new babies to seniors who have seen a lot of life!
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Clearview Public Library
Co-Development Canada Association
2747 E Hastings Street, Suite 260, Vancouver, British Columbia
CoDevelopment Canada is a B.C.-based NGO that works for social change and global education in the Americas. Founded in 1985 by a group of activists who wanted to go beyond financial aid, CoDev builds partnerships between like-minded organizations in Canada and Latin America to foster learning, social change, and community empowerment.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Co-Development Canada Association
Colchester Adult Learning Association
36 Arthur St, Truro, Nova Scotia
CALA is an adult learning organization located in Colchester County, Nova Scotia. We offer classes to adults who want to obtain a high school diploma, write their GED, or otherwise improve their academic and essential skills.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Colchester Adult Learning Association
Cold Lake and District FCSS
5607- 54 Street, Cold Lake, Alberta
Cold Lake and District Family and Community Support Services and the Parent Link Centre strive to foster an engaged community of caring, compassionate people and healthy, happy families.
Keywords: Seniors
· Family Services
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Cold Lake and District FCSS
Cole Harbour Cap Site Association
51 Forest Hills Pkwy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The Cole Harbour C@P Site is a free community access location for computers and the internet.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Cole Harbour Cap Site Association
Collaboration Partners Social Impact Consultants
102 Bloor St. West, Suite 710, Toronto, Ontario
Collaboration Partners is a volunteer professional services organisation providing pro-bono consulting and advisory services to not-for-profits in need of assistance.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
· Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Collaboration Partners Social Impact Consultants
Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
1535 - 14th Street, Invermere, British Columbia
The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is the Columbia Basin and Boundary's not-for-profit literacy organization, working in 77 communities across south-east British Columbia.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
Commission De La Bibliotheque Publique Mgr W J Conway D'edmundston
33 Rue Irene, Edmundston, New Brunswick
The library is located across from Sacre-Cour school
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Commission De La Bibliotheque Publique Mgr W J Conway D'edmundston
Common Ground CoOperative
3-A Banigan Dr., Toronto, Ontario
Non Profit Organization and registered Canadian charity that supports adults with developmental disabilities in the world of work.
Keywords: Independence
· Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Common Ground CoOperative
Communities Together for Children
425 N Edward St, Northwood Park Plaza, Thunder Bay, Ontario
CTC is a model, non-profit Child Care Resource and Referral Agency providing families, caregivers, and educators with support, information, resources, and professional development in areas related to children and families in the City & District of Thunder Bay.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Communities Together for Children
Community Learning Network
4-10012 29A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Community Learning Network (CLN) is a not-for profit association established in 1987 under Alberta's Societies Act. CLN supports the innovative learning leaders who are building Alberta's vibrant learning communities. We provide and promote professional development, training, customized support and networking opportunities to Alberta's Community Adult Learning Programs.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Community Learning Network
Community Literacy of Ontario
80 Bradford Street, Suite 508, Barrie, Ontario
Community Literacy of Ontario (CLO) is a provincial literacy network of 100 community literacy agencies across Ontario. CLO was founded in 1994 and our office is located in Barrie, Ontario.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Community Literacy of Ontario
Computers for Kids
7 Major Ave, Penetanguishene, Ontario
Computers For Kids is a registered Canadian Charity that dedicates its resources to placing computers into homes of needy families with children. Since January 2000 CFK has placed over 7000 computer systems, complete with software, into the hands of eager and grateful children.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Computers for Kids
Concordia Lutheran Seminary
7040 Ada Blvd, Edmonton, Alberta
Concordia Lutheran Seminary is a seminary of Lutheran Church-Canada, a member of the International Lutheran Council in partnership with Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, dedicated to forming servants for Jesus' sake.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Concordia Lutheran Seminary
Cook Street Village Activity Centre
380 Cook Street, Suite 1, Victoria, British Columbia
A non-profit organization offering social, educational and recreational activities for all ages.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Cook Street Village Activity Centre
Cornwall Public Library Board
45 Second Street East, Cornwall, Ontario
Anyone is entitled to use the library and its resources, including access to the Internet, for no charge. An annual borrowing membership is free if you live in the City of Cornwall. Identification with a current Cornwall address is required as proof of residency.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Cornwall Public Library Board
Corporation of Queens College
210 Prince Philip Dr, Suite 3000, St. John's, Newfoundland
Our college is dedicated to providing a high quality theological education to men and women of faith, for not only ordained ministry, but also to those who wish to enhance their baptismal ministry.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Corporation of Queens College
Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
9635 - 45 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Cando is a national Aboriginal organization involved in community economic development. We build capacity which strengthens Aboriginal economies by providing programs and services to Economic Development Officers.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
County of Brant Public Library
12 William Street, Paris, Ontario
The County of Brant Public Library is dedicated to cultivating a culture of community, literacy, knowledge and understanding.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of County of Brant Public Library
Cranbrook Public Library
1212 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, British Columbia
To make a difference in the cultural and social life of Cranbrook as it relates to the Cranbrook Public Library. We are active in promoting increased library services, better facilities and more programming directed toward the needs of Cranbrook's residents.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Cranbrook Public Library
CSEG Foundation
640 8 Ave SW, Suite 600, Calgary, Alberta
The CSEG Foundation is the registered charitable arm of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG). Our mission is to encourage and support scientific, educational and charitable activities that benefit geophysicists through the solicitation of contributions aimed at promoting the development of geophysical knowledge, education and public awareness. Based in Calgary, we are a Canadian foundation with initiatives all across Canada.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of CSEG Foundation
Dawson Creek Public Library
1001 McKellar Ave, Dawson Creek, British Columbia
The Friends of the Library are an association of people interested in libraries and focus public attention on the library, and receive gifts which are donated to the library. Friends help with library activities and donate items to the library through proceeds from book sales. If you are interested in becoming a Friend call Nan Clare at 782-2956.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Dawson Creek Public Library
Daytrippers Children's Charity
24 Truman Road, Toronto, Ontario
Daytrippers is a non-profit children's charity. We raise funds for trips to recognized educational and cultural institutions for school groups in lower-income and far-reaching areas. Why? We believe that every student should have the opportunity to visit unique places of learning: from museums to art galleries to conservation areas and beyond.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Daytrippers Children's Charity
Delta West Academy Society
414 11A St NE, Calgary, Alberta
The goal of Delta West Academy is to realize learning with a strong emphasis on real life relationships. DWA creates an environment which fosters mutual respect and trust, allows the uniqueness of each student to shine, and challenges them to attain academic excellence and personal growth.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Delta West Academy Society
Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc
62 Warwick Ave, Ajax, Ontario
Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc. (DOERs) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization established in 2004 which aims to educate and train Ontarian Internationally Trained Engineers (ITEs) to meet Canadian engineering standards through direct work opportunities.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc
Dickinsfield Amity House
9213 - 146 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta
Dickinsfield Amity House is a family resource centre providing support services to the community since 1972. We offer a wide range of programs and services to individuals and families.
Keywords: Women
· Hunger
· Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Dickinsfield Amity House