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Indiana Paralegal and Legal Assistant Programs

Paralegal Programs in the United States - Paralegal Programs and Jobs in Canada

Paralegal and legal assistant programs and courses offered by colleges and universities in the US state of Indiana. Detailed profiles and contact information are provided for each Indiana paralegal program. Graduates of paralegal programs, in Indiana or elsewhere in the United States, are employed in the legal profession usually working as an assistant to a lawyer helping with managing cases, preparing legal documents, maintaining records and files, and researching and analyzing.

Universities or colleges in Indiana: Paralegal/Legal Assistant Education

Ball State University, Muncie
Program Name: Legal Assistance Studies
Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Baccalaureate Degrees

Description: Ball State University, based in the city of Muncie in the state of Indiana was founded in 1899 as a private teacher training school. The Associate Degree in Legal Assistance course of the university is a 67-hour course that consists of 19 hours of general education. Internships are required for students who have no legal work experience.

University of Evansville, Evansville
Program Name: Legal Studies Program
Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Bachelor of Science

Description: The University of Evansville was established in 1854 in the state of Indiana. It holds accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The university offers a wide variety of graduate and undergraduate courses, which includes a degree in legal studies for paralegal training.

Vincennes University, Vincennes
Program Name: Paralegal Program
Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree

Description: The oldest university in the state, Vincennes University was founded in Indiana in the year 1801. It holds accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and offers undergraduate degree programs in a wide number of subjects. The university also offers a 2 year legal assistant/paralegal training course.

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