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Research in Geology and Geological Sciences in Canada

Research opportunities for students studying Geology and Geological Sciences.

| University Programs in Canada | Geology and Geological Sciences |

Geology and Geological Sciences Research Areas and Disciplines

Geological research can document mineral and petroleum occurrences and groundwater resources, and conduct studies to determine the potential for undiscovered resources.

Geologists also study and help to mitigate natural hazards such as floods, swelling soils, and landslides. This can help to determine the stability of building sites, find abundant supplies of clean water, and minimize the threat to communities at risk from geologic hazards. Geologists prepare maps of areas that have flooded in the past so they can prepare maps of areas that might be flooded in the future. These maps can be used to guide the development of communities and determine where flood protection or flood insurance is needed.

Geologists conduct studies that locate rocks that contain important metals, plan the mines that produce them and the methods used to remove the metals from the rocks. They do similar work to locate and produce oil, natural gas, and ground water. Geologists also work to solve problems involving pollution and waste disposal.

Earthquake geologists are working to develop new tools to predict and measure earthquakes so as to give sufficient advanced warning. They are also working with building geologists and civil engineers to build buildings that are earthquake resistant.

Many geologists are working to learn about the past climates of earth and how they have changed across time. This information is used by others to understand how our current climate is changing and what the results might be.

Study and Work in Geology and Geological Sciences in Canada

Study Geology and Geological Sciences in Canada
What is Geology and Geological Sciences? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Geology and Geological Sciences degrees.

Geology and Geological Sciences Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to an undergraduate program in Geology and Geological Sciences.

Graduate Geology and Geological Sciences Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Geology and Geological Sciences.

What Geology and Geological Sciences Students Learn
Topics, subjects and concepts that are covered and overall approach or focus taken for studying Geology and Geological Sciences.

Career and Employment Opportunities in Geology and Geological Sciences
Professions, occupations and careers available to graduates in Geology and Geological Sciences and links to relevant employment resources.

Geology and Geological Sciences Programs in Canada

Canada Canada

Alberta Alberta

British Columbia British Columbia

Greater Toronto Area Greater Toronto Area

Greater Vancouver Greater Vancouver

Manitoba Manitoba

New Brunswick New Brunswick

Newfoundland Newfoundland

Nova Scotia Nova Scotia

Ontario Ontario

Quebec Quebec

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Waterloo Region Waterloo Region

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